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Tutorial Category: Tools

Market Alerts
September 27, 2023

Market Alerts

Introduction The Market Alerts feature is a tool designed to notify users based on their preferences via the app, WhatsApp, or Telegram. It enables users...

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September 27, 2023


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Options Calculator
September 10, 2022

Options Calculator

Introduction The Black-Scholes Options Calculator is a pivotal tool developed by economists Fisher Black, Myron Scholes, and mathematician Robert Merton. It aids in determining options...

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Trading Journal
September 10, 2022

Trading Journal

Introduction The Trading Journal feature is a tool designed to help traders record and analyze their thoughts, activities, and key statistics related to their trading...

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Scalping Calculator
August 16, 2022

Scalping Calculator

Introduction The Scalping Calculator by Stolo is a powerful tool designed for traders to strategize and plan profitable trades based on their available capital. It...

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Pay-in & Pay-out
August 14, 2022

Pay-in & Pay-out

Introduction The Pay-In/Pay-Out feature is a manual ledger allowing you to record capital inflow and outflow from your broker account. This feature facilitates tracking and...

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