1. Click on your profile picture at the top right corner

Click on your profile picture at the top right corner

2. Click on ‘Preferences’

Click on 'Preferences'

3. Click on the dropdown and select the default symbol/instrument you would like to see on all analysis

Click on the dropdown and select the default symbol/instrument you would like to see on all analysis

4. Set default Number Breakup format in terms of ‘Only Numbers’ or in ‘Thousands & Lakhs’

Set default Number Breakup format in terms of 'Only Numbers' or in 'Thousands & Lakhs'

5. Set default to divide with Lots as either ON or OFF

Set default to divide with Lots as either ON or OFF

6. Once set you will see a popup message on the bottom left corner saying ‘Successfully updated your preference’

Once set you will see a popup message on the bottom left corner saying 'Successfully updated your preference'

7. You may close your preferences and continue using Stolo – India’s Ultimate Options Trading Platform

You may close your preferences and continue using Stolo - India's Ultimate Options Trading Platform